In an unexpected turn of events, Sam Altman, co-founder of OpenAI, is set to resume his role as CEO just days after being ousted by the company's board. This surprising decision, still pending formal approval, also involves appointing new board members, marking a significant shift in the organization's leadership structure. Altman's abrupt removal from the…
Fresh Details Emerge Regarding Google's Payments to Apple Amid Monopoly Trial During the ongoing trial in the United States, where Google faces monopoly allegations, new information regarding the tech giant's payments to secure its position as a preferred search engine has surfaced. An expert witness testifying on Google's behalf disclosed that the company directs 36%…
Introduction The African continent has witnessed a surge in technological advancements and digital innovation over the past decade. From fintech startups in Nigeria to e-commerce giants in South Africa, the tech industry in Africa is booming. However, alongside the opportunities, tech businesses in Africa also face unique challenges that require strategic solutions. This article will…
In the rapidly evolving landscape of technology, software developers are the architects of innovation. They are the driving force behind creating applications, websites, and systems that power our digital world. But what sets a great software developer apart from the rest? It's not just about writing code; it's about possessing a unique blend of skills,…