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Mara Phones in Africa

Mara Phones in Africa

In an era where digital connectivity is pivotal, Mara Phones emerges as a beacon of innovation and inclusivity in Africa. Rooted in Rwanda, this subsidiary of the expansive Mara Group is revolutionizing access to technology across the continent. Established in 1996 by visionary entrepreneur Ashish Thakkar, Mara Group has been a forerunner in banking, technology, and real estate. With the advent of Mara Phones, the group is making significant strides in tech by offering high-quality, affordable smartphones designed to bridge the digital divide and foster financial inclusion.

The Mission of Mara Phones

The inception of Mara Phones was driven by a compelling vision: to manufacture superior, cost-effective smartphones that could unlock many opportunities for Africa’s underserved populations. Ashish Thakkar, the founder, recognized that the true path to creating extensive social change and promoting financial inclusion across Africa was through accessible technology. Mara Phones aims to equip everyone with the tools to thrive in a digital economy, enhancing educational, social, and economic opportunities.

Empowering the Youth and Promoting Gender Equality

One of the most remarkable aspects of Mara Phones is its commitment to empowerment and equality. The company prides itself on a workforce that comprises over 90% youth, many of whom are skilled engineers trained within the organization.

Furthermore, Mara Phones boasts a gender ratio where over 60% of the employees are women, setting a global benchmark for gender inclusivity in the tech industry. This commitment nurtures local talent and promotes gender equality, making Mara Phones a paragon of African progressive employment practices.

Why Africans Should Support Mara Phones

Supporting Mara Phones is not just about purchasing a smartphone but investing in Africa’s future. Each Mara Phone symbolizes African ingenuity and determination to rise as a formidable force in the global tech landscape. By choosing Mara Phones, consumers contribute to the growth of an African brand that directly invests in the continent’s potential through job creation, skills development, and economic empowerment.

Moreover, Mara Phones’ dedication to quality and affordability ensures that consumers do not have to compromise on functionality or financial viability. These smartphones have the latest technology to provide a seamless user experience that rivals international brands.

Where to Buy Mara Phones

Mara Phones are available for purchase through various channels to ensure accessibility for all. Consumers can buy these innovative devices directly from their official website or through authorized retailers across Africa. Additionally, Mara Phones has established partnerships with several telecom operators to facilitate easier access and affordability through bundled offers.


Mara Phones is not merely a smartphone manufacturer but a catalyst for transformative change in Africa. By supporting Mara Phones, consumers participate in a movement that champions technological empowerment, gender equality, and economic growth.

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