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Learning to Code for Free: A Guide for Young Rwandans

Learning to code has become an invaluable skill in today’s digital age. It opens up a world of opportunities and allows young individuals to actively participate in shaping the digital future. Learning to code has never been more critical for young Rwandans as the Rwandan tech industry grows. Fortunately, numerous resources are available for free, making the journey into coding more accessible than ever. Here are some places where you can start learning coding for free.

1. Codecademy

Codecademy offers a range of interactive and engaging courses for beginners. From learning basic HTML & CSS to more complex languages like Python and JavaScript, Codecademy makes learning coding fun and manageable. The lessons are hands-on, with a built-in coding window where you can practice as you learn.


edX is an online platform providing courses from the world’s best universities and institutions. Their Computer Science category includes several free coding courses. For instance, Harvard’s popular CS50’s Introduction to Computer Science is available free of charge. It is a great starting point for anyone new to coding.

3. Coursera

Coursera collaborates with universities and organizations worldwide to offer courses for free. They have many coding courses in Python, Java, and more. Some classes have ‘free audit’ versions, meaning you can access course materials for free.

4. Kaggle

Kaggle is a platform for data science and offers free Python and Machine Learning courses. Each course consists of brief, informative lessons followed by practical exercises. The platform is interactive, and you’re encouraged to learn by doing.

5. MIT OpenCourseWare

MIT OpenCourseWare provides free lecture notes, exams, and videos from classes at MIT. Their ‘Introduction to Computer Science and Programming’ course uses Python, an excellent first language for new coders, because of its readability.

6. freeCodeCamp

freeCodeCamp offers a curriculum designed to prepare students for developer jobs. Its content, including interactive coding lessons and projects, is entirely free. It covers various topics such as HTML/CSS, JavaScript, Databases, Git & GitHub, Node.js, and more.


GitHub offers numerous free learning resources for beginners and experts alike. Its vast collection of guides and tutorials makes it a valuable resource for aspiring coders. One particular repository, “EbookFoundation’s Free Programming Books,” lists an extensive collection of free programming books.

8. Khan Academy

Khan Academy is renowned for its easy-to-follow video tutorials. They offer various free coding courses, including HTML/CSS, JavaScript, SQL, and more. Khan Academy’s interactive on-screen window lets you work on your code while viewing the lesson.

Learning to code is like learning a new language – it takes time and practice. Don’t get discouraged if you don’t understand something right away. Keep practising, building projects, and, most importantly, have fun! Happy coding, young Rwandans!

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