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African programmers in gaming

African programmers in gaming

The global gaming industry has evolved into a multi-billion-dollar ecosystem comprising video games, mobile games, and eSports. This rapidly expanding industry presents a fertile ground for innovation, creativity, and economic opportunity, particularly for young African programmers looking to make their mark. With the right skills, tools, and inspiration from leading game developers, African talent has the potential to create games that resonate both locally and globally.

Why Young African Programmers Should Venture into Game 


  1. Growing Market: The global video game market is expected to surpass $200 billion by 2023, with mobile gaming taking a significant share. With its large and youthful population, burgeoning internet penetration, and increasing mobile phone use, Africa is poised to be a significant player in this growth.
  2. Cultural Representation: African developers have the unique opportunity to craft games that reflect their cultures, stories, and histories, filling a gap in a market that has been predominantly Western-centric.
  3. Economic Opportunities: Developing games can lead to substantial economic benefits, including job creation in programming, design, art, sound engineering, and business management within the gaming industry.

Essential Tools and Skills for Aspiring Game Developers

  • Programming Languages: Proficiency in C++, C#, and Java is crucial. These languages are commonly used in game development, with C++ being especially pivotal for engine development and performance optimization.
  • Game Engines: Unity and Unreal Engine are the most popular game development engines. Unity uses C# and is known for its versatility and ease of use for beginners, making it ideal for mobile and indie game development. Unreal Engine uses C++ and is celebrated for its high-fidelity graphics suitable for AAA game titles.
  • Graphic Design and Animation: Skills in 3D modelling and animation are essential. Tools like Blender and Maya are widely used to create game assets and animations.
  • Sound Design: Understanding sound production software can enhance the gaming experience. Tools like Audacity or more advanced software like Ableton can be vital.
  • Storytelling: Good games often have compelling narratives. Aspiring developers should hone their storytelling skills to enhance gameplay and engage users.

Learning from the Best: What Can Be Gleaned from Successful Developers

  • Innovation and Persistence: Notable developers like Nintendo’s Shigeru Miyamoto, who created Mario, and Markus Persson, the mind behind Minecraft, highlight the importance of innovation and persistence. Their work showcases the power of vital, original concepts combined with the tenacity to see projects through to completion.
  • Community Engagement: Developers like Riot Games and League of Legends creators demonstrate the importance of community engagement. Their success with esports shows that active engagement with players can lead to a game’s enduring popularity and viability.
  • Adaptability: Successful companies like Epic Games developers of Fortnite illustrate the need for adaptability. Their quick response to market trends and player feedback has helped them stay at the forefront of the industry.

Starting Points for Aspiring Game Developers

  1. Education and Training: Many online platforms offer courses in game development. Websites like Coursera, Udemy, and Khan Academy provide accessible resources for learning programming languages and game development tools.
  2. Join a Community: Engaging with local and online game development communities can provide support, feedback, and collaboration opportunities. Platforms like GitHub and local tech hubs are great places to start.
  3. Develop Small Projects: Start with simple projects to build your skills. Participate in game jams and gatherings where hobbyists and professionals create games quickly, often with excellent learning outcomes.
  4. Seek Internships: Gaining practical experience through internships with game development studios can provide invaluable industry insight and professional growth.


For young African programmers, the burgeoning global gaming and eSports arenas offer a promising avenue for economic success, cultural expression, and innovation. By acquiring the right skills, leveraging modern tools, and drawing inspiration from successful game developers, they can contribute significantly to the global gaming landscape while showcasing African talent and narratives.

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