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Strategies for a Positive Mindset

Strategies for a Positive Mindset

Due to our brain’s negativity bias, we tend to give more weight to negative thoughts than positive ones. Today, we’re surrounded by negativity, creating a vicious cycle in which our negative moods affect others and vice versa. But how can we break free from this negativity trap?

The Negativity Fast: A Practical Strategy for Positivity

Anthony Iannarino, a former negativity addict, addresses this issue in his book “The Negativity Fast,” which provides practical strategies to foster a more positive mindset. Iannarino discusses ten behaviours that impact our relationship with negativity, including negative self-talk, complaining, empathy, gratitude, social media use, and how we frame our experiences.

Understanding Negativity

Not all negativity is harmful; sometimes, it’s a natural and appropriate response. However, staying in a negative state of mind can be detrimental. We often “talk” ourselves into negativity, catastrophizing events and assuming the worst due to unmet expectations. This mindset can also extend to others, where we misinterpret their actions as intentionally harmful.

Empathy and Radical Acceptance

Empathy helps us understand others and avoid getting caught up in negativity. As Iannarino suggests, we can let go of judgments and accept situations and people as they are by practising radical acceptance. This doesn’t mean agreeing with everything but acknowledging reality without adding negative emotions.

Complaining vs. Gratitude

Complaining can put us in a victim mentality and create a toxic environment. Instead, focusing on solutions and addressing challenges can shift our perspective. Gratitude, on the other hand, fosters a positive mindset by making us look for things to be thankful for, even in difficult situations.

Reframing Negative Experiences

Reframing involves turning negative experiences into positive lessons. Instead of letting traumas define us negatively, we can view them as opportunities for growth and strength. This process involves reassessing our assumptions and finding new, positive meanings in our experiences.

Physical Health and Positivity

Our physical health significantly impacts our mental state. The SHED acronym reminds us of the importance of Sleep, Hydration, Exercise, and Diet. Taking care of these aspects can improve our overall well-being and positivity.

Helping Others

Helping others boosts our self-esteem and creates positive feelings. Kindness and prosocial behaviour can significantly enhance our mood and reduce negativity.

The Negativity Fast Challenge

Over 90 days, focus on eliminating sources of negativity and replacing them with positive influences. Minimize social media and other triggers, and identify behaviours you can improve. The goal is not to eliminate negativity but to reduce its impact on your life.


The world presents us with numerous challenges, including negative surprises. The aim is not to avoid all negativity but to manage it effectively and prevent it from poisoning our mindset. By examining our behaviours, thought patterns, and habits, we can foster a more positive and fulfilling life.

If you fall back into negative thinking, don’t worry—start over. The objective is progress, not perfection. By reducing negativity, we can improve the quality of our lives and those around us.

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